English Review
Maltazard, the Evil M, is now 7 feet tall and evolving among the humans, causing terror wherever he goes. His goal is simple: forming an army of giant henchmen and ruling over the universe. Meanwhile, Arthur is still a Minimoy, and thus in a state where he's unable to fend him off. With the help of Selenia and Betameche, he hatches a plan to regain his usual size: all they must do is infiltrate Arthur's house through the pipeworks, catch an electric train from his bedroom to his grandfather's study and find an elixir that will make him grow back to his human size. Sounds simple enough, if it weren't for Darkos, Maltazard's own son, hot on their tails.Sinopsis Indonesia
Maltazard, M Evil, sekarang 7 kaki tinggi dan berkembang di antara manusia, menyebabkan teror di mana pun ia pergi. Tujuannya sederhana: membentuk pasukan anak buah raksasa dan berkuasa atas alam semesta. Sementara itu, Arthur masih Minimoy, dan dengan demikian di negara di mana dia tidak mampu menangkis dia pergi. Dengan bantuan Selenia dan Betameche, ia menetas rencana untuk mendapatkan kembali ukuran biasa: semua mereka harus lakukan adalah menyusup rumah Arthur melalui pipeworks, mengejar kereta listrik dari kamar tidurnya untuk mempelajari kakeknya dan menemukan obat mujarab yang akan membuatnya tumbuh kembali ke ukuran manusia. Kedengarannya cukup sederhana, jika bukan karena Darkos, anaknya sendiri Maltazard itu, panas di ekor mereka.
Genre: Adventure | Family | Fantasy |
Director: Luc Besson |
Starring: Selena Gomez, Freddie Highmore, Mia Farrow, Jimmy Fallon
Language: Russian| Subtitles: N/A |
Credit/source From
Genre: Adventure | Family | Fantasy |
Director: Luc Besson |
Starring: Selena Gomez, Freddie Highmore, Mia Farrow, Jimmy Fallon
Language: Russian| Subtitles: N/A |
Credit/source From
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