Udaan movie revolves around around teenager Rohan. After being in a boarding school for eight years, Rohan returns to the small industrial town of Jamshedpur (in Jharkhand) and finds himself closeted with an authoritarian father and a half brother who he didn't know existed.
Forced to work in his father's steel factory and study engineering against his wishes, he strikes to forge his own life out of his given circumstances and pursue his dream of being a writer.
* Source: EUDVD@DDR
* Movie Info:IMDB
* Codec: XviD
* Container: AVI
* Language: Hindi
* Subtitle: All European Subs
* Runtime: 2h 41m
* AR: 16:9
* Fps: 29.97
* Audio: MP3 64 Kbps Stereo
* Video bps: ~ 614 Kbps
* Resolution: 608x 240
* Size: 700 MB
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Film India Terbaru 2010