The lives of many people were thrown into chaos during Japan's Edo period. During all that mayhem, a religious cult was plotting a terrible conspiracy, and the story has remained secret until now. A lady ninja nun, concerned about the scheming, orders Kaede to infiltrate the cult. While successful, the skilled ninja agent is put under a spell by one of the priests, causing her to become feverish with lust over one of the cult's relics. Her ultimate mission is to topple the secret organization, but will she be able to while handicapped by a desire that must be satisfied?
Extrak with FSJ setup
Genre............: Action / Ninja
Distributor......: Tokyo Shock
Year.............: movie 2007; dvd 2009
Country..........: Japan
Director.........: Takayuki Kagawa
Subtitles........: English
Running Time: 70 mins. (approx.)
Cast: Luna Akatsuki || Yuka Sakagami || Kazu Itsuki || Hideki Yokobori
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