

A Nightmare in Las Cruces (2011)

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Download Film A Nightmare in Las Cruces (2011)

English Review
On February 10, 1990 two cowards walked into the Las Cruces Bowl and changed the lives of many people. Seven people inside the bowling alley were forced at gunpoint to the floor and told to put their heads down. After stealing thousands of dollars from the safe, the killers shot all seven multiple times at close range, execution-style. The shooters then started a fire on the desk and fled. Dead at the scene were Amy Houser, Steven Teran, his step-daughter Paula, and Valerie Teran. Incredibly, Melissia Repass, Stephanie C. Senac, and Ida Holguin survived the brutal attack. Repass, just twelve at the time, made the heroic 911 call -despite being shot in the head- which saved three lives at the time. Four out of the seven shot were children, including a two and six year old. For almost twenty years, the two remaining survivors(Senac died in 1999), family members, and friends have had to live with this unspeakable event

Sinopsis Indonesia
Pada 10 Februari 1990 dua pengecut berjalan ke Las Cruces Bowl dan mengubah kehidupan banyak orang. Tujuh orang di dalam lorong bowling dipaksa di bawah todongan senjata ke lantai dan menyuruh untuk meletakkan kepala mereka turun. Setelah mencuri ribuan dolar dari aman, para pembunuh menembak semua tujuh kali dalam jarak dekat, gaya eksekusi. Penembak kemudian mulai api di meja dan melarikan diri. Mati di tempat kejadian itu Amy Houser, Steven Teran, langkah-putri Paula, dan Valerie Teran. Luar biasa, Melissia Repass, Stephanie C. Senac, dan Ida Holguin selamat dari serangan brutal. Repass, hanya dua belas pada saat itu, membuat heroik 911 panggilan-walaupun ditembak di kepala-yang menyelamatkan tiga kehidupan pada saat itu. Empat dari tujuh tembakan adalah anak-anak, termasuk dua dan enam tahun. Selama hampir dua puluh tahun, dua korban selamat yang tersisa (Senac meninggal pada 1999), anggota keluarga, dan teman-teman harus hidup dengan peristiwa yang tak terkatakan
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Horror
Cast: Hafid Abdelmoula, Shannon Caruso and Charles Comer
Quality: DVDRip.XviD-SPRiNTER
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)
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